Better College ExperienceCollege 

Extracurricular Activities for A Better College Experience and A Boost to Your Resume

You just got to a big, new school and everything is overwhelming already. The thought of adding onto your schedule may not seem like a good idea, but it can actually have many positive effects on your life.


This post will address some of the different kinds of extracurriculars and how they can contribute to your fulfilling college experience.


  1. Academic clubs

This one may not sound that fun at first, but it is a great opportunity to meet new people and develop skills for your future career. Colleges offer many opportunities to join clubs that are dedicated to your specific major. In these clubs, you can spend time associating with other people that share a similar interest and career path. You will have the opportunity to get hands on experience and learn new skills related to your field of study. Another bonus is the opportunity to associate with professors from your field and even other seasoned professionals on the same career path. These opportunities help prepare you for your future and will look excellent on your resume!


  1. Research led by instructors

Another academic extracurricular option is to get involved with projects that different instructors are leading, such as for scientific research. This can be another excellent opportunity to get more experience in your major and associate with people that share your interests.


  1. Volunteer work and community service

These opportunities can be very rewarding and are a great distraction from the scary college scene. Volunteering and community service can be a very humbling and character building experience as you dedicate your time to helping a cause other than yourself. Whether it’s feeding the homeless or even just volunteering at a local library, any of these countless opportunities will add to your life in some way as you contribute to the growth of your community. That being said, employers love to see these kind of extracurriculars on your resume because it shows great work ethic and strong character.


  1. Clubs just for fun

While these more serious EC’s listed above are great for your college experience, don’t rule out the special interest clubs for different hobbies you might be interested in outside of school. Even joining a guitar club or gaming club will look good on your resume because it shows you were committed to something and passionate about it. It’s especially good for your resume if you held a leadership position in the club or even if you were just a very involved member. Employers love to see that you want to be involved in projects and know how to take charge. Aside from these types of clubs being great for your resume, they are also wonderful for improving your own experience as you become involved in your passion and have something to look forward to.


  1. Political and social action clubs

These types of clubs allow you to become involved in a cause that is important to you, which is a very self-fulfilling opportunity. Like volunteer work and community service, becoming involved with important political and social causes shows passion, compassion, and commitment.

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